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Staying on track during the holidays

The holidays can be a stressful time for the whole family. Traveling, time off from school, schedule changes, and lots of yummy foods are great to enjoy during a time of celebration, but can often lead to our bodies being run-down. When life gets busier, we tend to neglect other areas of our life, such as our health. More eating out, less exercise, and less sleep leave us feeling overtired, sick, and overstressed during the holiday season!

Have you ever gone back into work after the holidays and felt more tired than you did rested? This is simply because you have a lot going on during this time of year (all gas and no brake) and a lot to keep track of, but have no fear! We are going to give you the best tips and tricks in this blog post, so you don't have to fall off the wagon this year and you can stay on track during the holidays.

Follow these Tips for a Healthy Holiday!

Make a Plan:

This tip might sound easy, but I find that I have to make a plan to make a plan! Try to set aside time on a Sunday, or the best day that works for you, to make a game-plan for the week. I like to write down when I am going to workout, my meals for the week with a corresponding grocery list, and if you want to get crazy, you can even plan 30 minutes or an hour during the week that you are going to intentionally rest. You know what they say... if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. As harsh as that might be, it is unfortunately, true. Plan to have a healthy week and you are setting yourself up for a healthy week!

Move Your Body:

I don't know about y'all, but when the weather cools down, it is a lot harder to get in the gym. This is where making a plan comes in super handy!

Sometimes, to stay active during busy seasons, all it takes is a little push, or a small change, to get through the holiday season. If you struggle to keep your body moving in the winter months and the craziness of the season, we highly recommend working with a personal trainer. This is so helpful when all you have to do is show up to the gym and get it done! If you have been following us for awhile, then you know we both go to a local Keller gym called If personal training is something you are interested in doing this year, you can sign up at the link below for a FREE personal training session.


Life was not meant to do alone! Staying on track during the holidays will be so much easier, if you have someone to help keep you on track. Grab a partner, and do a fun challenge, or ask someone to hold you accountable while you try something new! Accountability is huge when it comes to meeting goals and you don't have to do it alone. If you don't have someone in mind to fill this role, feel free to ask us in the office, at Alpha & Omega Chiropractic, and we will gladly help you reach your health goals!


We talk about balance a lot in the office because we know how important it is to maintaining a wellness-minded lifestyle! Especially with Christmas just right around the corner, it is important to understand that it doesn't have to be all or nothing. You can have the Christmas cookies and all the sweets that comes with the holiday, but hop right back into your routine the next week and don't put off getting back on track! You got this! We like to follow an 80/20 rule which means 80% of the time we are conscience of what we are putting into our bodies and 20% of the time we splurge and have the cookies!

Get Adjusted:

Are you looking to start your wellness journey? Getting adjusted consistently is the best way to achieve optimal function and wellness! Do you find that you are always getting sick during this time of the year? Do you have headaches every week or maybe even every day? Are your allergies at an all time high? Feeling stressed and anxious during the holidays? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it likely means that you have stress on areas of your nervous system and are in NEED of an adjustment! We provide gentle and specific care at Alpha & Omega and we are committed to helping you reach your health goals this year! If you have never been to our office before, you can schedule your first visit below!

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